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Web Survey Bibliography

Title Electronic vs. conventional surveys
Source Handbook of research on electronic surveys and measurements, pp. 104-11
Year 2007
Access date 26.04.2013
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This chapter discusses the outcomes of two data collection methods involving questionnaires distributed to members of an organization. One group received a paper survey through the post, whilst the second group was asked to complete the survey online. The results indicated that although response rates were higher for the online group, there were no significant differences in the responses of the two groups. These results suggest that for targeted groups of the type involved in this study, either method can be used with confidence, but that the online method may result in higher return. However, the additional benefits of speed, convenience, and cost make the online method appealing.

Year of publication2007
Bibliographic typeBook section
Full text availabilityFurther details

Web survey bibliography (4086)
