Authors (8941)
Das, M.
Name:Das, M.
Send email to: Das, M.
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Marcel Das
Data has been last edited on Feb 24 2013
Web survey bibliography
- Adapting Grid Questions for Mobile Devices; 2015; de Bruijne, M.; Das, M.; van Soest, A.; Wijnant, A...
- Scientific impact of the MESS Project: A brief overview...; 2013; Das, M.
- Innovation in online data collection for scientific...; 2012; Das, M.
- True Longitudinal and Probability-Based Internet Panels...; 2011; Das, M., Scherpenzeel, A.
- Nonparametric Tests of Panel Conditioning and Attrition...; 2011; Das, M., Toepoel, V., van Soest, A.
- Social and Behavioral Research and the Internet: Advances...; 2011; Das, M., Ester, P., Kaczmirek, L.
- Panel Conditioning in Web Surveys: A Comparison between...; 2009; Toepoel, V., Das, M., van Soest, A.
- Design effects in web surveys: comparing trained and...; 2008; Toepoel, V., Das, M., van Soest, A.
- Can I use a panel? Panel conditioning and attrition...; 2007; Das, M., Toepoel, V., van Soest, A.