Authors (8941)
Toepoel, V.
Name:Toepoel, V.
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Vera Toepoel
Vera Toepoel is a Professor at the department of Methods & Statistics at Utrecht University, the Netherlands. She has fifteen years of experience in online surveys, both from a practical and theoretical point of view. She started with programming online surveys and cleaning data. Later, she did her PhD on the design of online (panel) surveys, taking visual design, panel conditioning and attrition into account. Currently, she teaches courses on conducting surveys and is involved in several survey projects. She has build and maintained online panels, e.g. the Dutch LISS Panel, CentERpanel, and Leisure Panel. She is the Chair of the Dutch and Belgian Platform for Survey Research, Vice-President of the Methodology section of the International Sociological Association, and has publised numerous papers in journals related to the survey field. This book is made possible by a grant obtained from the Dutch Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO Innovation Scheme).
Data has been last edited on Oct 12 2015
Web survey bibliography
- Using experts’ consensus (the Delphi method)...; 2017; Toepoel, V.; Emerson, H.
- Data chunking for mobile web: effects on data quality...; 2017; Lugtig, P. J.; Toepoel, V.
- Mobile-only web survey respondents; 2016; Lugtig, P. J.; Toepoel, V.; Amin, A.
- Online Surveys are Mixed-Device Surveys. Issues Associated...; 2016; Toepoel, V.; Lugtig, P. J.
- Doing Surveys Online ; 2016; Toepoel, V.
- The Effects of Adding a Mobile-Compatible Design to...; 2015; Toepoel, V.; Lugtig, P. J.; Amin, A.
- Higher Item Nonresponse Rates Caused by Slider Scales...; 2015; Toepoel, V.; Funke, F.
- Coding Surveys on their Item Characteristics: Reliability...; 2015; Bais, F.; Schouten, B.; Toepoel, V.
- Investigating Response Quality in Mobile and Desktop...; 2014; Toepoel, V.; Funke, F.
- Informing panel members about study results; 2014; Scherpenzeel, A., Toepoel, V.
- Mixed-devices in a probability based panel survey....; 2014; Toepoel, V., Lugtig, P. J.
- Panel Conditioning in Difficult Attitudinal Questions...; 2013; Binswanger, J., Schunk, D., Toepoel, V.
- Mobile devices a way to recruit hard-to-reach groups...; 2013; Toepoel, V., Lugtig, P. J.
- Effects of Incentives in Surveys; 2012; Toepoel, V.
- Building Your Own Online Panel Via E-Mail and Other...; 2012; Toepoel, V.
- Recruiting A Probability Sample For An Online Panel...; 2012; Scherpenzeel, A., Toepoel, V.
- How Visual Design Affects the Interpretability of...; 2011; Toepoel, V., Dillman, D. A.
- Panel Recruitment via Facebook; 2011; Toepoel, V.
- Nonparametric Tests of Panel Conditioning and Attrition...; 2011; Das, M., Toepoel, V., van Soest, A.
- Response Quantity, Response Quality, and Costs of...; 2011; Toepoel, V.
- Can Verbal Instructions Counteract Visual Context...; 2011; Toepoel, V., Couper, M. P.
- Words, Numbers and Visual Heuristics in Web Surveys...; 2009; Toepoel, V., Dillman, D. A.
- Pictures in Web Surveys; 2009; Toepoel, V., Couper, M. P.
- Panel Conditioning in Web Surveys: A Comparison between...; 2009; Toepoel, V., Das, M., van Soest, A.
- Visual Heuristics and Answer Formats in Rating Scales...; 2009; Toepoel, V. Dillman, D. A.
- Design effects in web surveys: comparing trained and...; 2008; Toepoel, V., Das, M., van Soest, A.
- Can I use a panel? Panel conditioning and attrition...; 2007; Das, M., Toepoel, V., van Soest, A.