Beach, S.
Name:Beach, S.
Send email to: Beach, S.
More information:
Scott Beach
University of Pittsburgh
Data has been last edited on Feb 18 2013
Web survey bibliography
- Mobile Device Use in Web Surveys Among College Students...; 2016; Beach, S.; Musa, D.; Strotmeyer, S.; Schlarb, J.
- Nonresponse and Mode Effects in a Two-wave Randomized...; 2012; Beach, S., Musa, D.
- Telephone Status, Attitudes toward Participation in...; 2012; Beach, S., Musa, D.
- Using Audio Computer-Assisted Self-Interviewing and...; 2009; Beach, S., Schultz, M., Degenholtz, H., Castle, N.,...
- Mode Effects and Non-Response Bias in an Undergraduate...; 2008; Beach, S., Musa, D., Beeson, P., Sparks, C.