Authors (8941)
Keusch, F.
Name:Keusch, F.
Send email to: Keusch, F.
More information:
Florian Keusch, Institute of Advertising and Marketing Research, Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, Austria
Data has been last edited on Oct 20 2017
Web survey bibliography
- Web Survey Gamification - Increasing Data Quality...; 2017; Schacht, S.; Keusch, F.; Bergmann, N.; Morana, S.
- The Impact of Response Scale Direction on Survey Responses...; 2016; Hu, M.; Yan, T.; Keusch, F.
- The Impact of Scale Direction, Alignment and Length...; 2016; Keusch, F.; Liu, M.; Yan, T.
- A Review of Issues in Gamified Surveys; 2015; Keusch, F.; Zhang, Che.
- Understanding Society Innovation Panel Wave 7: Results...; 2015; Blom, A. G.; Burton, J.; Booker, C. L.; Cernat, A.;...
- Impact of response scale direction on survey responses...; 2015; Yan, T.; Keusch, F.
- The Effects of the Direction of Rating Scales on Survey...; 2015; Keusch, F., Yan, T.
- The Influence of Answer Box Format on Response Behavior...; 2014; Keusch, F.
- Motives for joining nonprobability online panels and...; 2014; Keusch, F., Batinic, B., Mayerhofer, W.
- The Influence of Answer Box Format, Personal Topic...; 2013; Keusch, F.
- The Direction of Rating Scales and Its Influence on...; 2012; Keusch, F.
- Open-ended Questions in Web Surveys: One Large vs....; 2012; Keusch, F.
- The influence of social desirability on data quality...; 2012; Keusch, F.
- The influence of personality traits and motives for...; 2011; Keusch, F.
- Does the direction of Likert-type scales influence...; 2011; Keusch, F.
- The Influence Of The Direction Of Likert-Type Scales...; 2011; Keusch, F.
- Does Making The Survey Topic More Salient Lead To...; 2010; Keusch, F., Mayerhofer, W., Weilbuchner, N., Jungreithmaier...
- Online Access Panels: A detailed look at different...; 2010; Führer, R., Keusch, F.
- Can a professional questionnaire layout make up for...; 2010; Keusch, F., Mayerhofer, W., Jungreithmaier, S., Weilbuchner...
- Maßnahmen zur Steigerung der Responserate bei listenbasierten...; 2009; Keusch, F.
- Increasing response rates in list based samples; 2009; Keusch, F., Kurz, H., Penzkofer, P.