Authors (8941)
DeBell, M.
Name:DeBell, M.
More information:
Mattew Debell
Data has been last edited on May 16 2014
Web survey bibliography
- Computation of Survey Weights: Bridging Theory and...; 2012; DeBell, M.
- User’s Guide to the Advance Release of the 2008...; 2009; DeBell, M.; Krosnick, J. A.; Lupia, A.; Roberts, C...
- Attrition in a Face-to-Face Recruited Internet Panel...; 2009; Malka, A., Krosnick, J. A., Ackermann, A., Debell,...
- Lessons Learned About How to Accomplish Effective...; 2009; Ackermann, A., Krosnick, J. A., Turakhia, C., Debell...
- An implementation of a within-household selection...; 2008; Callegaro, M., Osborn, L., Debell, M., Leuvano, P.