Authors (8941)
Lenzner, T.
Name:Lenzner, T.
Send email to: Lenzner, T.
More information:
Timo Lenzner, GESIS - Center for Survey Design and Methodology
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Web survey bibliography
- Incorporating eye tracking into cognitive interviewing...; 2016; Neuert, C.; Lenzner, T.
- Investigating response order effects in web surveys...; 2015; Karem Hoehne, J.; Lenzner, T.
- Does left still feel right? The optimal position of...; 2013; Lenzner, T., Kaczmirek, L.,Galesic, M.
- An Evaluation of Two Non-Reactive Web Questionnaire...; 2012; Lenzner, T.
- Online Research @ GESIS; 2011; Kaczmirek, L., Lenzner, T.
- Effects of survey question clarity on data quality; 2011; Lenzner, T.
- Question Comprehensibility and Satisficing Behavior...; 2011; Lenzner, T.
- Cognitive process in answering questions: Are verbal...; 2011; Menold, N., Kaczmirek, L., Lenzner, T.