Authors (8941)
Steinmetz, S.
Name:Steinmetz, S.
Send email to: Steinmetz, S.
More information:
Stephanie Steinmetz, Erasmus University (Netherlands)
Data has been last edited on Oct 17 2015
Web survey bibliography
- WEBDATANET: Innovation and Quality in Web-Based Data...; 2014; Steinmetz, S., Slavec, A., Tijdens, K. G., Reips,...
- Improving web survey quality; 2014; Steinmetz, S., Bianchi, S. M., Tijdens, K. G., Biffignandi...
- Targeting the bias – the impact of mass media...; 2014; Steinmetz, S., Oez, F., Tijdens, K. G.
- Exploring selection biases for developing countries...; 2014; Tijdens, K. G., Steinmetz, S.
- WEBDATANET: A Network on Web-based Data Collection...; 2014; Tijdens, K. G., Steinmetz, S., de Pedraza, P., Serrano...
- Measuring wages via a volunteer web survey –...; 2013; Steinmetz, S., Annmaria, B.
- Challenges and pitfalls of measuring wages via web...; 2012; Steinmetz, S., Bianchi, A., Tijdens, K., Biffignandi...
- Understanding selection bias in a worldwide, volunteer...; 2012; Tijdens, K., Steinmetz, S.
- Codebook and explanatory note on the WageIndicator...; 2010; Tijdens, K., van Zijl, S., Hughie-Williams, M., van...
- Potentials and Constraints of Propensity Score Weighting...; 2010; Steinmetz, S., Tijdens, K.
- Presentation of WEBSURVNET; 2009; de Pedraza, P., Steinmetz, S., Tijdens, K.