Authors (8941)
Petrovcic, A.
Name:Petrovcic, A.
Send email to: Petrovcic, A.
More information:
Andraž Petrovčič
University of Ljubljana
Data has been last edited on Oct 10 2011
Web survey bibliography
- Investigating respondent multitasking in web surveys...; 2016; Sendelbah, A.; Vehovar, V.; Slavec, A.; Petrovcic,...
- The effect of email invitation elements on response...; 2016; Petrovcic, A.; Petric, G.; Lozar Manfreda, K.
- e-Social Science Perspective on Survey Process: Towards...; 2015; Vehovar, V., Petrovcic, A., Slavec, A.
- Differences in intrapersonal and interactional empowerment...; 2014; Petrovcic, A., Petric, G.
- The effect of email invitation characteristics and...; 2013; Petrovcic, A., Lozar Manfreda, K., Petric, G.
- Research design for studying online communities with...; 2012; Petrovcic, A., Petric, G., Lozar Manfreda, K.