Authors (8941)
Horwitz, R.
Name:Horwitz, R.
Send email to: Horwitz, R.
More information:
Rachel Horwitz
U.S. Census Bureau
Data has been last edited on Feb 01 2016
Web survey bibliography
- The Differential Effect of Mobile-friendly Surveys...; 2016; Horwitz, R.
- Characterizing Satisficers in Web Surveys Using Paradata...; 2016; Vetting, S. S.; Horwitz, R.; Bray, R.; Hernandez Vivier...
- Optimizing the Decennial Census for Mobile –...; 2015; Nichols, E. M.; Hawala, E. O.; Horwitz, R.; Bentley...
- Usability of the ACS Internet Instrument on Mobile...; 2015; Horwitz, R.
- Classifying Mouse Movements and Providing Help in...; 2013; Horwitz, R.
- Classifying Mouse Movements to Predict Respondent...; 2013; Horwitz, R.
- Response Mode Choice and the Hard-to-Interview in...; 2012; Nichols, E. M., Horwitz, R., Guarino Tancreto, J.