Authors (8941)
Cernat, A.
Name:Cernat, A.
More information:
Mr Alexandru Cernat
Institute for Social and Economic Research, Essex University
Data has been last edited on Jul 07 2013
Web survey bibliography
- Exploring Why Web Surveys Take Longer to Complete...; 2016; Antoun, C.; Cernat, A.
- Using equivalence testing to disentangle selection...; 2015; Cernat, A.
- Understanding Society Innovation Panel Wave 7: Results...; 2015; Blom, A. G.; Burton, J.; Booker, C. L.; Cernat, A.;...
- Impact of mixed modes on measurement errors and estimates...; 2015; Cernat, A.
- The Impact of Mixing Modes on Reliability in Longitudinal...; 2014; Cernat, A.
- The role of email addresses and email contact in encouraging...; 2014; Cernat, A., Lynn, P.
- Impact of mode design on reliability in longitudinal...; 2013; Cernat, A.