Authors (8941)
Calinescu, M.
Name:Calinescu, M.
Send email to: Calinescu, M.
More information:
Melania Calinescu
VU University Amsterdam, Department of Mathematics, De Boelelaan 1081, 1081HV Amsterdam
Data has been last edited on Oct 10 2013
Web survey bibliography
- Adaptive survey designs to minimize survey mode effects...; 2016; Calinescu, M.; Schouten, B.
- Adaptive survey designs to minimize survey mode effects...; 2013; Calinescu, M., Schouten, B.
- Optimal Resource Allocation in Adaptive Survey Designs...; 2013; Calinescu, M.
- Optimizing quality of response through adaptive survey...; 2013; Schouten, B., Calinescu, M., Luiten, A.