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International Journal of Public Opinion Research
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Web survey bibliography
- Answering Without Reading: IMCs and Strong Satisficing...; 2017; Anduiza, E.; Galais, C.
- When will Nonprobability Surveys Mirror Probability...; 2016; Pasek, J.
- Reducing Underreports of Behaviors in Retrospective...; 2016; Lugtig, P. J.; Glasner, T.; Boeve, A.
- Why Do Respondents Break Off Web Surveys and Does...; 2014; Rossmann, J., Blumenstiel, J. E., Steinbrecher, M.
- Measuring Political Participation—Testing Social...; 2014; Persson, M., Solevid, M.
- Is it what you say, or how you say It? An experimental...; 2014; Fazekas, Z., Wall, M. T., Krouwel, A.
- A Comparison of the Quality of Questions in a Face...; 2013; Revilla, M., Saris, W. E.
- Evaluation of an online (opt-in) panel for public...; 2012; Brown, G., Weber, D., Zanon, D., de Bie, K.
- Assessing Cross-National Equivalence of Measures of...; 2012; Behr, D., Braun, M., Kaczmirek, L.
- Efficiency of Different Recruitment Strategies for...; 2012; Hansen, K. M., Pedersen, R. T.
- Do Questions about Watching Internet Pornography Make...; 2012; Peter, J., Valkenburg, P. M.
- Refining the Total Survey Error Perspective; 2011; Smith, T. W.
- Seeing Through the Eyes of the Respondent: An Eye-...; 2011; Lenzner, A., Kaczmirek, L., Galesic, M.
- Should I Stay or Should I go: The Effects of Progress...; 2011; Yan, T., Conrad, F. G., Tourangeau, R., Couper, M....
- The Effect of Phrasing Scale Items in Low-Brow or...; 2009; Blasius, J., Friedrichs, J.
- Mode Differences Between Face-to-Face and Web Surveys...; 2009; Heerwegh, D.
- Cognitive Aspects of Survey Measurement and Mismeasurement...; 2003; Tourangeau, R.
- Item Nonresponse: Distinguishing between don't...; 2002; Pamela J. Shoemaker, Martin Eichholz and Elizabeth...
- New approaches to assessing opinion: The prospects...; 2002; Best, S. J., Krueger, B. S.
- Formal features of rating scales and their interpretation...; 1998; Schwarz, N., Grayson, C. E., Knauper, B.
- The numeric values of rating scales: A comparison...; 1994; Schwarz, N., Hippler, H. J.