Links (1889)
- European survey research associaton conference 2007, ESRA, Prague
- European survey research associaton conference 2009, ESRA, Warsaw
- European survey research associaton conference 2011, ESRA, Lausanne
- European survey research associaton conference 2013, ESRA, Ljubljana
- European survey research associaton conference 2015, ESRA, Reykjavik
European survey research associaton conference 2011, ESRA, Lausanne
The information above may be outdated.
Web survey bibliography
- Effects of speeding on satisficing in Mixed-Mode Surveys...; 2011; Bathelt, S., Bauknecht, J.
- Quantifying Open-Ended Responses: Results from an...; 2011; Jacobe, A., Brewer, L., Vakalia, F., Turner, S., Marsh...
- Quality of responses to an open-ended question on...; 2011; Gibson, J., Vakalia, F., Turner, S.
- Open-ended questions in the context of temporary work...; 2011; Siponen, K.
- How do Respondents Perceive a Questionnaire? The Contribution...; 2011; Markou, E., Garnier, B.
- The Uses of Open-Ended Questions in Quantitative...; 2011; Singer, E., Couper, M. P.
- Agree-Disagree Response Format versus Importance Judgment...; 2011; Krebs, D.
- Testing a single mode vs a mixed mode design; 2011; Laaksonen, S.
- Germans' segregation preferences and immigrant...; 2011; Schlueter, E., Ullrich, J., Schmidt, P.
- Errors within web-based surveys: a comparison between...; 2011; Polizzi, G., Oliveri, A. M.
- Benefits of Structured DDI Metadata across the Data...; 2011; Linne, M., Brislinger, E., Zenk-Moeltgen, W.
- Microdata Information System MISSY; 2011; Bohr, J.,
- The Use of Structured Survey Instrument Metadata throughout...; 2011; Hansen, S. E.
- DDI and the Lifecycle of Longitudinal Surveys; 2011; Hoyle, L., Wackerow, J.
- Dissemination of survey (meta)data in the LISS data...; 2011; Streefkerk, M., Elshout, S.
- Underreporting in Interleafed Questionnaires: Evidence...; 2011; Medway, R., Viera Jr., L., Turner, S., Marsh, S. M...
- The use of cognitive interviewing methods to evaluate...; 2011; Gray, M., Blake, M., Campanelli, P., Hope, S.
- Does the direction of Likert-type scales influence...; 2011; Keusch, F.
- Cross-country Comparisons: Effects of Scale Type and...; 2011; Thomas, R. K.
- Explaining more variance with visual analogue scales...; 2011; Funke, F.
- A Comparison of Branching Response Formats with Single...; 2011; Thomas, R. K.
- Different functioning of rating scale formats –...; 2011; Koller, M., Salzberger, T.
- Cognitive process in answering questions: Are verbal...; 2011; Menold, N., Kaczmirek, L., Lenzner, T.
- Experiments on the Design of the Left-Right Self-Assessment...; 2011; Zuell, C., Scholz, E., Behr, D.
- Separating selection from mode effects when switching...; 2011; Carstensen, J., Kriwy, P., Krug, G., Lange, C.
- Testing between-mode measurement invariance under...; 2011; Klausch, L. T.
- Using propensity score matching to separate mode-...; 2011; Lugtig, P. J., Lensvelt-Mulders, G. J.
- A mixed mode pilot on consumer barometer; 2011; Taskinen, P., Simpanen, M.
- Separation of selection bias and mode effect in mixed...; 2011; Bayart, C., Bonnel, P.
- Optimization of dual frame telephone survey designs...; 2011; Slavec, A., Vehovar, V.
- A Comparison of CAPI and PAPI through a Randomized...; 2011; De Weerdt, J.
- Flexibility of Web Surveys: Probing 'do-not-know...; 2011; Hox, J., de Leeuw, E. D.
- Changing research methods in Ukraine: CATI or Mixed...; 2011; Paniotto, V., Kharchenko, N.
- The effects of mixed mode designs on simple and complex...; 2011; Martin, P., Lynn, P.
- Measurement Error in Mixed Mode Surveys: Mode or Question...; 2011; de Leeuw, E. D., Hox, J.