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NTTS 2011 - New Techniques and Technologies for Statistics
Data has been last edited on Nov 27 2011
Web survey bibliography
- Utilizing Web Technology in Business Data Collection...; 2011; Haraldsen, G., Snijkers, G., Roos, M., Sundvoll, A...
- E-Census 2011 Portugal: implementation and results...; 2011; Vicente, P., Rosa, A., Reis, E.
- Facebook sampling methods: some methodological proposals...; 2011; Macrì, E., Tessitore, C.
- Reflections on web based data collection in a mixed...; 2011; Kloek, W., van der Valk, J.
- Standardising the web data collection channel at the...; 2011; Prado, C., Guinea , C.
- An Experimental Investigation of Mode Effects in the...; 2011; Vereczkei, Z.
- Collaborative systems for enhancing the analysis of...; 2011; Lambert, P., Warner, G., Doherty, T., McCafferty,...