Links (1889)
- Paper presented at conference: The Future of Survey Research: Challenges and Opportunities, 2012
- Paper presented at Cross-Cultural User Experience Design II.
- Paper presented at New Measurement Issues in Survey Research, RSS, London, 2010
- Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Mid-Western Educational Research Association (Chicago, IL, October 24-27, 2001)
- Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Swiss Society for Psychology, Zurich
Paper presented at conference: The Future of Survey Research: Challenges and Opportunities, 2012
Data has been last edited on Apr 22 2013
Web survey bibliography
- Specialized Tools for Measuring Past Events ; 2012; Belli, R. F.
- Transparency, Access and the Credibility of Survey...; 2012; Lupia, A.
- Can Microtargeting Improve Survey Sampling? An Assessment...; 2012; Pasek, J.
- Anonymity and Confidentiality; 2012; Tourangeau, R.
- Cognitive Evaluation of Survey Instruments: State...; 2012; Willis, G. B.
- Oh, Just One More Thing … Leveraging “...; 2012; Link, M. W.
- Paradata; 2012; Kreuter, F.
- Computation of Survey Weights: Bridging Theory and...; 2012; DeBell, M.
- Optimizing Response Rates; 2012; Brick, J. M.
- Modes of Data Collection; 2012; Tourangeau, R.
- The Use and Effects of Incentives in Surveys; 2012; Singer, E.
- Improving Question Design to Maximize Reliability...; 2012; Krosnick, J. A.
- Respondent Attrition vs Data Attrition and Their Reduction...; 2012; Olsen, R. J.
- Survey Interviewing: Deviations from the Script; 2012; Schaeffer, N. C.
- How accurate are surveys of objective phenomena?; 2012; Chang, L. C., Krosnick, J. A.