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International Field Directors and Technologies Conference
Data has been last edited on May 04 2013
Web survey bibliography
- Using Incentives and Multiple Modes of Data Collection...; 2015; Howden, L. M.; Joestl, S. S.; Cohen, R. A.
- Utilizing iPads in the Field; 2015; Kiser, P.
- Mixed Mode Design Considerations; 2015; Hupp, A.
- Enhancing Response Usability in a Web-based Survey...; 2015; Yoder, R.
- Mixed Mode Design Considerations: Panel Discussion; 2015; Smyth, J.; Hupp, A.; Elver, K.
- PayPal? An Incentive to Check-out?; 2015; Franklin, J.; Rasmussen, C.; Pruitt, J.; Waller, D...
- Lessons learned: Converting a telephone survey panel...; 2007; Roe, D. J., Stockdale, J., Farrelly, M., Heinrich,...