Links (1889)
- Presented 11 October 2011 at the Royal Statistical Society, London, UK
- Presented at 97th DGINS Conference, Wiesbaden, 26-27 September 2011
- Presented at Human-Computer Interaction and the Learning Sciences Workshop (in conjunction with CSCL 2013, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, USA).
- Presented at NCRM Conference: Web surveys for the general population: How, why and when? (2013)
- Presented at NCRM Workshop: Web surveys for the general population: How, why and when? (June, 2013)
Presented at NCRM Workshop: Web surveys for the general population: How, why and when? (June, 2013)
More information:
Presented at NCRM Workshop: Web surveys for the general population: How, why and when? (June, 2013)
Data has been last edited on Jun 24 2013
Web survey bibliography
- A probability-based web panel for UK policy research...; 2013; Littlechild, J.
- Scientific impact of the MESS Project: A brief overview...; 2013; Das, M.
- A probability-based web panel for the UK: What could...; 2013; Nicolaas, G.
- Current UK provision of web panaels and Omnibus; 2013; Lagorio, C.
- Feasibility of Using Web to Survey at a Sample of...; 2013; Villar, A.
- What works? Getting the General Population To Go Online...; 2013; Frigault, L.-R., Azzou, S. A. K., Molloy, E. J. K.,...
- ONS Plans for Web Data Collection in LFS; 2013; Lound, C.