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Web survey bibliography
- Pre-Survey Text Messages (SMS) Improve Participation...; 2016; Dal Grande, E.; Chittleborough, C. R.; Campostrini...
- The Utility of an Online Convenience Panel for Reaching...; 2016; Sell, R.; Goldberg, S.; Conron, K.
- Implementation of Web-Based Respondent Driven Sampling...; 2016; Stroemdahl, S.; Lu, X.; Bengtsson, L.; Liljeros, F...
- A Statistical Approach to Provide Individualized Privacy...; 2016; Esponda, F.; Huerta, K.; Guerrero, V. M.
- Online and Social Media Data As an Imperfect Continuous...; 2016; Diaz, F.; Garmon, F.; Hofman, J. K.; Kiciman, E.;...
- Comparing the Similarity of Responses Received from...; 2015; Bartneck, C.; Duenser, A.; Moltchanova, E.; Zawieska...
- Off-Label Baclofen Prescribing Practices among French...; 2014; Rolland, B., Paille, F., Fleury, B., Cottencin, O.,...
- Efficiencies of Internet-Based Digital and Paper-Based...; 2014; Uhlig, C. E., Seitz, B., Promesberger, J., Eter, N...
- Does Stress Increase the Risk of Atopic Dermatitis...; 2013; Kwon, J. A., Lee, M., Park, E.-C., Park, S., Yoo,...
- Presenting Survey Items One at a Time Compared to...; 2012; Nosek, B.; Umansky, E.