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7th Internet Survey Metodology Workshop 2014
Data has been last edited on Dec 10 2014
Web survey bibliography
- Questionnaire length and breakoffs in web surveys:...; 2014; Vehovar, V., Cehovin, G.
- The need of and the demand for completing surveys...; 2014; Toninelli, D., Revilla, M., Ochoa, C.
- Survey participation via mobile devices in a probability...; 2014; Poggio, T., Bosnjak, M., Weyandt, K.
- Matrix versus paging designs in a brand attribution...; 2014; Conrad, F. G., McCullough, W., Nishimura, R.
- Web-respondent-driven sampling; 2014; Bianchi, A., Biffignandi, S., Artaz, R.