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Joint Statistical Meetings 2016
Data has been last edited on Jul 17 2017
Web survey bibliography
- Development and Pilot Test of a Mobile Application...; 2016; Chiappetta, L.; Kerr, M. M.
- Statistical Design for Online Experiments Across Desktops...; 2016; Qian, P.; Sadeghi, S.; Arora, N. K.
- A Case Study on the Use of Propensity Score Adjustments...; 2016; Parsons, V.
- Motivated Misreporting in Web Panels; 2016; Bach, R.; Eckman, S.
- Are Initial Respondents Different from the Nonresponse...; 2016; Zeng, W.; Dennis, J. M.
- Using official surveys to reduce bias of estimates...; 2016; Beresovsky, V.; Dorfman, A.; Rumcheva, P.
- Predicting and Preventing Break-Offs in Web Surveys...; 2016; Mittereder, F.
- A Feasibility Study of Recruiting and Maintaining...; 2016; Chandler, J.
- Exploration of Methods for Blending Unconventional...; 2016; Gellar, J.; Zhou, H.; D.; Sinclair, M. D.
- Ratio of Vector Lengths as an Indicator of Sample...; 2016; Shin, H. C.
- Design of Sample Surveys That Complement Observational...; 2016; Slud, E.; Ashmead, R.
- Inferences from Internet Panel Studies and Comparisons...; 2016; Lachan, R.; Boyle, J.; Harding, R.
- Exploring the Gig Economy Using a Web-Based Survey...; 2016; Robles, B. J.; McGee, M.