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Sociological Methods & Research
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Web survey bibliography
- Estimating the Impact of Measurement Differences Introduced...; 2017; Kappelhof, J. W. S.; De Leeuw, E. D.
- Taming Big Data: Using App Technology to Study Organizational...; 2015; Bail, C. A.
- The Use of a Nonprobability Internet Panel to Monitor...; 2015; Legleye, S; Charrance, G.; Razafindratsima, N.; Bajos...
- The Impact of Mixing Modes on Reliability in Longitudinal...; 2014; Cernat, A.
- Panel Attrition - Separating Stayers, Fast Attriters...; 2014; Lugtig, P. J.
- Asking Sensitive Questions: An Evaluation of the Randomized...; 2013; Wolter, F.; Preisendoerfer, P.
- Measurement Effects of Survey Mode on the Equivalence...; 2013; Klausch, L. T., Hox, J., Hox, J., Schouten, B.
- Not by the Book: Facebook as a Sampling Frame; 2012; Brickman Bhutta, C.
- Multiple Sources of Nonobservation Error in Telephone...; 2011; Peytchev, A.; Carley-Baxter, L. R.; Black, M. C.
- Nonparametric Tests of Panel Conditioning and Attrition...; 2011; Das, M., Toepoel, V., van Soest, A.
- Introduction to the Special Issue on Web Surveys ; 2009; Witte, J. C.
- Smartphones: An Emerging Tool for Social Scientists...; 2009; Raento, M., Oulasvirta, A., Eagle, N.
- Designing Scalar Questions for Web Surveys; 2009; Christian, L. M., Parsons, N. L., Dillman, D. A.
- Web-based network sampling - Efficiency and efficacy...; 2008; Wejnert, C., Heckathorn, D. D.
- Feeling thermometers versus 7-point scales. Which...; 1997; Alwin, D. F.