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7th International Conference on Social Science Methodology
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Naples, Italy - September 1-5, 2008
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Web survey bibliography
- Use of a website to evaluate quality of work-life...; 2008; Dupuis, G.
- Comparing the network structures in teams among companies...; 2008; Agneessens, F., Contractor, N.
- Online poll in study of incentives to participation...; 2008; Gvozdeva, E. S.
- Measuring ties on online forums; 2008; Ziberna, A., Vehovar, V., Jakulin, A.
- Using Internet Pages of Organisations as Data Source...; 2008; Baumgarten, B., Grauel, J.
- Social Web Data as a Source for Social Science Research...; 2008; Skopek, J., Schmitz, A.
- DHS CAPI Data Collection Model Using PDAs; 2008; Rojas, G.
- The relative Coverage Error in Telephone Surveys caused...; 2008; Fuchs, M.
- Chaotic Web: The challenge of Misinformation and Disinformation...; 2008; Keshavarz, H.
- Mixed methods in online evaluation: benefits and problems...; 2008; Kuckartz, U.
- Use of the Internet as a data collection tool: a methodological...; 2008; Evans, A. R., Elford, J., Wiggins, D.
- Parallel Phone and Web-based Interviews: Effects of...; 2008; Thomas, R. K., Krane, D., Taylor, H., Terhanian, G...
- Modern Telephony, the Web and Survey Management; 2008; Olsen, R. J.
- Mobile Web Survey Design; 2008; Peytchev, A. Hill, C.
- Impact of new technologies in data collection methods...; 2008; Callegaro, M.
- Integration of the web into survey data collection...; 2008; Vehovar, V., Berzelak, N., Lozar Manfreda, K.
- Response Non-Differentiation and Response Styles in...; 2008; Frisina, L. T., Thomas, R. K.
- Communicative Channels, Cognitive Processes and Question...; 2008; Fuchs, M.
- Understanding the decision to participate in a survey...; 2008; Álvarez, R. M., Sevillano, V.
- Survey mode effects in smoking status assessment; 2008; Burns, E., Levinson, A.
- Uses of self-anchoring scales in web surveys; 2008; Van Acker, F., Theuns, P.
- Open-ended questions and online surveys: the mode...; 2008; Denscombe, M.
- New survey strategies for radio: the RFM’s ...; 2008; Cordeiro, P.