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WAPOR 61th Annual Conference, 2008
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May 13 - 15, 2008
New Orleans, USA
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Web survey bibliography
- Testing the Effects of Multiple Manipulations on Print...; 2008; Bachman, M., Vaccaro, D.
- The Role of Cash Incentives in Online Panelist Motivations...; 2008; Taylor, E.
- ‘For Example’: How Different Example Types...; 2008; Berent, M., Krosnick, J. A.
- Validating Check-All and Forced-Choice Question in...; 2008; Dyck, B., Moore, D.
- Measuring Attentiveness to Current Events in a Mixed...; 2008; Suls, R., Horowitz, J.
- Transitioning from Self-Reports to Self-Installed...; 2008; Trussell, N., Vanno, L., Matthess, E., Bailey, J.,...
- The Role of New Technology and its’ Effect on...; 2008; Kendall, E.
- Rate of Response in Web-Based Data Collection as a...; 2008; Mitra, A.
- Graduate vs. Undergraduate Student Respondent Behavior...; 2008; Showen, S., Eisenberg, D., Roe, D. J.
- Mode Effects and Non-Response Bias in an Undergraduate...; 2008; Beach, S., Musa, D., Beeson, P., Sparks, C.
- Worth the Weight?: The Benefits and Pitfalls in Applying...; 2008; Bloom, J. D.
- Improving the Efficiency of Web Survey Experiments; 2008; Luks, S., Rivers, D.
- When Encouraging Looks Go Too Far: Using Virtual Humans...; 2008; Foucault, B., Aguilar, J., Cassell, J., Miller, P....
- Social Cues Can Affect Answers to Threatening Questions...; 2008; Lind, L. H., Schober, M. F., Conrad, F. G.
- How Animated Agents Affect Responses in Open-Ended...; 2008; Person, N. K.
- Virtual Interviews on Mundane, Non-Sensitive Topics...; 2008; Conrad, F. G., Schober, M. F., Jans, M., Orlowski,...
- Mall-Intercept vs. Online Panel: Does Sample Source...; 2008; Lin, C. T. J.
- Representativeness in Online-Surveys Through Stratified...; 2008; Blasius, J.
- Comparing the Results of Probability and Non-probability...; 2008; Wang, R., Krosnick, J. A.
- Evaluating the Potential Contributions of a Web-based...; 2008; Elliott, M. N., Haviland, A.
- “R U in the Network?!” Using Text Messaging...; 2008; Buskirk, T. D., Rao, K., Callegaro, M., Arens, Z.,...
- Sampling & Weighting Cell Phone Samples to Supplement...; 2008; Brick, J. M., Edwards, W. S., Lee, Sunghee
- Using the ESRC Question Bank: An Online Resource Developed...; 2008; Gibbs, J. C.
- Why Text Mine?; 2008; Parry, J., Tomashek, S.
- Internet Access Panels and Public Opinion and Attitude...; 2008; Piekarski, L., Galin, M., Baim, J., Frankel, M. R.,...
- Combining Mail and Internet Methods to Conduct Household...; 2008; Dillman, D. A., Smyth, J. D., Christian, L. M., Oneill...
- Experiment on Use of Internet Cell Phone Only Panelists...; 2008; Turakhia, C., Schulman, M. A., Bohinsky, S.
- Evaluating Efficiency and Effectiveness of Cell Phone...; 2008; Sen, S., Zmud, J., Arce, C.
- Does the Inclusion of Mail and Web Alternatives in...; 2008; Rookey, B. D., Dillman, D. A., Hanway, S.
- The “Professional Respondent” Problem...; 2008; Rivers, D.
- Predictors and Barriers to Collecting Data from Early...; 2008; Caspe, M., Sonnenfeld, K., Meagher, C., Sprachman,...
- The MacroPoll Wireless Experience: Development and...; 2008; Austin, J. D., Zullwack, R., Dyer, A., Dayton, J....
- My Cell Phone’s Ringing, “Caller Unknown...; 2008; Buskirk, T. D., Rao, K., Kaminska, O.
- Pilot Development of a Smartphone-Enabled Full-Probability...; 2008; Hill, C., Biemer, P. P., Coombs, D., Eyerman, J.
- A Test of Short versus Long Cell Phone Interviews; 2008; Jones, Je.
- Evaluating the Characteristics of Landline User’...; 2008; Sanderson, M., Immerwahr, S., Eisenhower, D., Konty...
- Coverage Bias in Surveys Excluding Cell Phone Only...; 2008; Peytchev, A., Carley-Baxter, L. R., Black, M. L.
- Landline and Cell Phone Usage Patterns Among Young...; 2008; Currivan, D. B., Roe, D. J., Stockdale, J.
- Practical Steps to Conducting Cellular Telephone Surveys...; 2008; Howes, C., DeBello, A., Wolter, K., Wooten, K.
- Health Policy Concerns and Policy Preferences: A Comparison...; 2008; Zukin, C., Cantor, J., Brownlee, S., Boyle, J.
- Measuring Health in RDD Surveys: Are Estimates that...; 2008; Freedner, N., Holterman, L. A., Hannah, K.
- Does Including Cell-Only Households in an RDD Survey...; 2008; Bryant, B. E., Baker, R. P.
- The Effects of Excluding Cell-Only Respondents on...; 2008; Smith, G. A., Cox, D., Pond, A.
- Use of FedEx: Early, Late or Never?; 2008; Pope, D.
- When is the Best Time to Invite a Respondent? An Analysis...; 2008; Sinibaldi, J., Hansen, S. E.
- Instant Messaging: Applicability for Contacting Potential...; 2008; Cox, C. J., Harwood, P. G., Swanhart, M.
- E-mail and Postcard Invitation Designs to Maximize...; 2008; Kaplowitz, M. D., Lupi, F., Couper, M. P., Thorp,...
- Latent Class Modeling in Survey Methods: Estimation...; 2008; Albaghal, M.
- Calculating Response Rates for Cell Telephone Surveys...; 2008; Barron, M., Khare, M.
- Predicting Survey Bias in a Brave New Mobile World...; 2008; Ehlen, P., Ehlen, J.
- Statistical Foundations of Cell-Telephone Surveys; 2008; Wolter, K., Smith, P.
- Wireless-Mostly Households: Estimates from the 2007...; 2008; Blumberg, S. J., Luke, J. V.
- The Impact of the Spacing of the Scale Options in...; 2008; Kennedy, C., Tourangeau, R., Conrad, F. G., Couper...
- Experiments in Visual Survey Design for Mobile Devices...; 2008; Peytchev, A., Hill, C.
- Computing Metrics for Online Panels; 2008; Callegaro, M., DiSogra, C.