Links (1889)
Web survey bibliography
- Evaluating Online Labor Markets for Experimental Research...; 2016; Berinsky, A.; Huber, G. A.; Lenz, G. S.
- Online Polls and Registration-Based Sampling: A New...; 2014; Barber, M. J., Mann, C. B., Monson, J. Q., Patterson...
- Does Survey Mode Still Matter? Findings from a 2010...; 2014; Ansolabehere, S., Schaffner, B. F.
- Nonresponse and Mode Effects in Self- and Interviewer...; 2014; Atkeson, L. R.; Adams, A. N.; Alvarez, M. R.
- Does mode matter for modeling political choice? Evidence...; 2007; Sanders, D., Clarke, H. D., Stewart, M. C., Whiteley...
- Response latency methodology for survey research:...; 2003; Mulligan, K., T., Mockabee, S. T., Grant, J. T.,...
- The Advent of internet surveys for political research...; 2003; Berrens, R. P., Bohara, A. K., Jenkins-Smith, H. C...