Links (1889)
- 2nd European Establishment Statistics Workshop 2011
- 2nd International Conference of the German Priority Programme on Survey Methodology (PPSM)
- 2nd International Conference on Telephone Survey Methodology
- 2nd Webdatanet MC & WGs meeting, Amsterdam 30th November - 2 December 2011
- 32nd EERS Annual Conference
2nd Webdatanet MC & WGs meeting, Amsterdam 30th November - 2 December 2011
Data has been last edited on Mar 20 2013
Web survey bibliography
- Web-based rating scales: HTML 5 and other innovations...; 2011; Funke, F.
- A Methodological Inference towards the Quantification...; 2011; Cachia, E., Camilleri, P.
- International Economics, Labour markets and Web Surveys...; 2011; Guzi, M., de Pedraza, P.
- On Affordances and Technological Intersubjectivity; 2011; Vatrapu, R.
- The optimal number of response options in internet...; 2011; Thorsdottir, F.
- Online Research @ GESIS; 2011; Kaczmirek, L., Lenzner, T.
- Building online communities; 2011; Mlačić, B., Milas, G., Mikloušić, I.
- Romanian financing opportunities for the action; 2011; Moga, L.
- Current Projects at University of Ljubljana; 2011; Lozar Manfreda, K.
- Collecting information with Knowledge technologies; 2011; Foulonneau, M.
- E-dater, Artificial Actors, and German Households; 2011; Hebing, M.
- DIME-SHS; 2011; Lesnard, L.
- Web based Data Collection – A Jungle becoming...; 2011; Ole Finnemann, N.
- The Internet, Electoral Politics and Citizen Participation...; 2010; Gibson, R., Cantijoch, M.