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Web survey bibliography
- Growing Beyond the Phone Tree; 2014; Hayzlett, J.
- The Gamification of Marketing Research; 2013; Donato, P., Link, M. W.
- When the water is right.; 2010; Andruss, P.
- Survey says: new tools aim to ensure the integrity...; 2009; Quenqua, D.
- Surveys by Design; 2008; Hopewell, N.
- Workaround: Site’s surveys beat pop-up blockers...; 2005; Arnold, C.
- Eight tips offer best practices for online MR; 2005; Kottler, R. E.
- Get the most from Net-based panel research; 2005; Philpott, G.
- Net research suffers due to failed promise; 2002; Tortorello, N. J.
- Old, new make up today's surveys.; 2000; James, D.
- The future of online research; 2000; James, D.
- An opposing view of online surveying; 2000; Gorman, J. W.
- Web-based market research ushers in new age.; 1998; McCullough, D.
- Leverage the Web's research capabilities; 1998; Mosley-Matchett, J. D.
- Are Internet surveys ready for prime time; 1997; Davis, G.
- Virtual research exists, but how real is it; 1996; Roller, M. R.