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Web Survey Bibliography

Number of records per page

Title Author Source Year Full text AllCoder
Using Internet Pages of Organisations as... Baumgarten, B., Grauel, J. 7th International Conference on Social Science Methodology, 2008 2008
The Role of Cash Incentives in Online Panelist... Taylor, E. The American Association for (AAPOR) 63rd Annual Conference, 2008 & WAPOR 61th Annual Conference, 2008 2008
‘For Example’: How Different... Berent, M., Krosnick, J. A. The American Association for (AAPOR) 63rd Annual Conference, 2008 & WAPOR 61th Annual Conference, 2008 2008
Mode Effects and Non-Response Bias in an... Beach, S., Musa, D., Beeson, P., Sparks, C. The American Association for (AAPOR) 63rd Annual Conference, 2008 & WAPOR 61th Annual Conference, 2008 2008
Improving the Efficiency of Web Survey Experiments... Luks, S., Rivers, D. The American Association for (AAPOR) 63rd Annual Conference, 2008 & WAPOR 61th Annual Conference, 2008 2008
Mall-Intercept vs. Online Panel: Does Sample... Lin, C. T. J. The American Association for (AAPOR) 63rd Annual Conference, 2008 & WAPOR 61th Annual Conference, 2008 2008
Representativeness in Online-Surveys Through... Blasius, J. The American Association for (AAPOR) 63rd Annual Conference, 2008 & WAPOR 61th Annual Conference, 2008 2008
Does the Inclusion of Mail and Web Alternatives... Rookey, B. D., Dillman, D. A., Hanway, S. The American Association for (AAPOR) 63rd Annual Conference, 2008 & WAPOR 61th Annual Conference, 2008 2008
E-mail and Postcard Invitation Designs to... Kaplowitz, M. D., Lupi, F., Couper, M. P., Thorp, L. The American Association for (AAPOR) 63rd Annual Conference, 2008 & WAPOR 61th Annual Conference, 2008 2008
Intent to stay of nursing faculty in the... Garbee, D. D. Mixed Methods Conference 2007 2007
Flexible online mixed methods design (FOMM... Lobe, B. Mixed Methods Conference 2007 2007
Teaching and learning mixed methods research... Ivankova, N., Verhoeven, F. Mixed Methods Conference 2007 2007
Comparing Adolescent Response Bias Between... Klein, J. D., Graff Havens, C., Thomas, R. K. Journal of Adolescent Health, 44, 2, pp. S36-S36 2009
Coverage- und Nonresponse-Effekte bei Online... Bandilla, W., Kaczmirek, L., Blohm, M., Neubarth, W. In N. Jackob & H. Schoen & T. Zerback (Eds.), Sozialforschung im Internet: Methodologie und Praxis der Online-Befragung. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften 2009
Using the World-Wide Web to obtain large... Lahl, O., Goeritz, A., Pietrowsky, R., Rosenberg, J. Behavior Research Methods, 41, 1, pp. 13-19 2009

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Online image quality surveys based on response... Rasmussen, D. R. Image Quality and System Performance V 2008
Eliciting Subjective Probabilities in Internet... Delavande, A., Rohwedder, S. Public Opinion Quarterly (POQ), 72, 5, pp. 866-891 2008

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The Ethics of Internet Research Eynon, R., Fry, J., Schroeder, R. In N. Fielding & R. M. Lee & G. Blank (Eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Online Research Methods. London: Sage, pp. 23-41 2008
The Internet as a Research Medium: An Editorial... Lee, R. M., Fielding, N., Blank, G. In N. Fielding & R. M. Lee & G. Blank (Eds.), The SAGE Handbook of Online Research Methods. London: Sage; pp. 3-20 2008
Designing and conducting online interviews... Gruber, T., Szmigin, I., Reppel, A. E., Voss, R. Qualitative Market Research, 11, 3, pp. 256-274 2008
The potential of a multi-mode data collection... Sala, E., Lynn, P. Quality and Quantity, 43, 1, pp. 123-136 2009

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Explaining the intention to participate... Heerwegh, D., Loosveldt, G. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 12, 3, pp. 181-195 2009

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Factors Affecting Return Rates to On-Line... Cooper, J. The ASC's 5th International Conference, 2007: The Challenges of a Changing World: Developments in the Survey Process 2007

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Best practices for online qualitative research... Stevens, B. Quirk's Marketing Research Review, July, pp. 34 2007

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Statistical Estimation Methods in Volunteer... Lee, Su. Digital Repository at the University of Maryland 2004

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Online research: playing to the Web'... Yoffie, A. J. Quirk's Marketing Research Review, July 1998 1998

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Simple Approaches to Estimating the Variance... Isaksson, A., Lee, S. JSM 2005: Using Our Discipline to Enhance Human Welfare 2005
Ten years after Bradford, D. P. Quirk's Marketing Research Review, July 2003 2003

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Are you talking to the right people? Davis, H. Quirk's Marketing Research Review, July 2003 2003

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A Comparison of Objective Characteristics... Lee, S.-J., Lee, W.-N., Kim, H., Stout, P. A. Journal of Interactive Advertising, 4, 2 2004

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Compare and contrast Kindig, L. Quirk's Marketing Research Review, June 2002 2002

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Anatomy of an on-line focus group Sweet, C. Quirk's Marketing Research Review, December 1999 1999

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Focus groups on the Internet: an interesting... Greenbaum, T. Quirk's Marketing Research Review, May 1995 1995

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Internet focus groups are not focus groups... Greenbaum, T. Quirk's Marketing Research Review, July 1998 1998

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Qualitatively Speaking: Online focus groups... Greenbaum, T. Quirk's Marketing Research Review, June, 2001 2001

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Drawing a few from many Fitzgerald, A. Quirk's Marketing Research Review, November 2002 2002

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At my own pace in my own place Downes-Le Guin, T. Quirk's Marketing Research Review, July 2002 2002

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Qualitatively Speaking: Online focus groups... Yoffie, A. J. Quirk's Marketing Research Review, June 2002 2002

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Online focus group FAQs Zinchiak, M. Quirk's Marketing Research Review, July, 2001 2001

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Online qualitative research task force:... Sweet, C., Walkowski, J. Quirk's Marketing Research Review, December 2000 2000

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Using online focus groups for e-commerce... Johnson, W. Quirk's Marketing Research Review, June 2000 2000

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On-line focus groups: Mainstream in the... Thorne, G. Quirk's Marketing Research Review, December 1999 1999

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On-line focus groups: four approaches that... Jacobson, P. Quirk's Marketing Research Review, June 1997 1997

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Statistical Data Validation in Web Instruments... Peytchev, A., Petrova, E. A. The American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR) 57th Annual Conference, 2002 2002

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Conducting On-Line Focus Groups: A Methodological... Gaiser, T. J. Social Science Computer Review, 15, 2, pp. 135-144 1997

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Realtime Interviewing Using the World Wide... Chen, Pe., Hilton, S. M. Sociological Research Online, 4, 3 1999

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Comparing Seven Forms of Online Surveying... MacElroy, B. Quirk's Marketing Research Review, July 1999 1999

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Using the Internet for surveys and health... Eysenbach, G., Wyatt, J. C. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 4, 2 2002

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Internet-Based Psychological Experimenting... Reips, U.-D. Social Science Computer Review, 20, 3, pp. 241-249 2002

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The Kid's Experimental Psychology Lab... Frick, A., Reips, U.-D. General Online Research Conference (GOR) 2002 2002
Assessing Internet Questionnaires: The online... Graef, L. Online Social Sciences, Batinic, B., Reips, U.D., Bosnjak, M. (Eds.), Hogrefe & Huber: Cambridge 2002

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Psychological Experiments on the Internet... Birnbaum, M. H. Academic Press Inc 2000
Potential of the Internet for Personality... Buchanan, T. Psychological Experiments on the Internet. Birnbaum, M.H. (ed.), Academic Press: San Diego 2000
Successful online qualitative market research... Bradford, D. P. Quirk's Marketing Research Review, July 2001 2001

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Using the Online Medium for Discursive Research... Bowker, N., Tuffin, K. Social Science Computer Review, 22, 2, pp. 228-242 2004

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An Experimental Comparison of Computer-Mediated... Underhill, C., Olmsted, M. G. Social Science Computer Review, 21, 4, pp. 506-513 2003

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Content Analysis of the World Wide Web:... Weare, C., -Y., Lin, W.-Y. Social Science Computer Review, 18, 3, pp. 272-293 2000

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Online Experiments in Commercial Market... Nordmeyer, C.-F., Geissler, H., Donath, T. General Online Research Conference (GOR) 2004 2004
Asking Comparative Questions: A Comparison... Liu, K. The American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR) 58th Annual Conference, 2003 2003
Online Research: Methoden, Anwendungen und... Batinic, B., Bandilla, W., Graef, L., Werner, A. Hogrefe: Goettingen, Germany 1999
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